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  • QueBert - Saturday, July 30, 2005 - link

    I like the white, but not a big fan of red. As for it being the "first white motherboard we've seen" There was a really sweet looking one by I believe, Epox. Platinum colored PCB with blue and gold on the board. The color scheme of this Sapphire is different, and different is good. I hate green/red PCB's.
  • beorntheold - Saturday, July 30, 2005 - link

    Under Gaming Performance:
    "... If you keep in mind that the orange bar represents the same NVIDIA 6800 Ultra used to test the other boards in this review, you can clearly see that the Sapphire ATI is at or near the top in most game tests..."
    There is either an error in the graph or in the text - because the orange bar clearly says
    nV 7800 GTX.
  • Olaf van der Spek - Saturday, July 30, 2005 - link

    > This number is meaningless as far as hard disk performance is concerned as it is just the number of IO operations completed in a second.

    What exactly is meant here?
    Isn't more completed operations per second better?
  • Wesley Fink - Saturday, July 30, 2005 - link

    I meant that the operations per second is meaningless as a SPECIFICATION of hard drive performance. Yes, more operations per second is better, but you will never see iPeak ops/sec quoted as a specification.
  • roel - Saturday, July 30, 2005 - link

    And what about support for linux?
    Will it boot? Will it be fast as well?
    I'd like to know.

  • kevykev - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    What is with the stupid fish names though? How ridiculous.
  • TheInvincibleMustard - Saturday, July 30, 2005 - link

    Actually, that was one of the first things to catch my eye ... Not the fish, but the jaguar, with the silkscreened logo looking almost exactly the same as the automobile company (Google Images if you're curious). The actual leaping cat is positioned slightly differently between the two, but the similarity is remarkable.

    If I had better image manipulation on this machine I'm at, I'd whip up a side-by-side comparison to better illustrate (hehe) my point.
  • shoRunner - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    All i can say is drool, this definately looks like a very promising board, if they can fix the issue with the USB transfer rates(even without a fix its will still be very competative, how often do most ppl transfer huge amounts of data over USB?). What i still want to see is one of these boards with the integrate graphics and a DVI port.
  • Stas - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Just as I expected: nVidia is whooped. ATi + AMD = Performance
  • Zebo - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Looks great Wes..cept for memory is to close together and not staggard and may present cooling problems between the the board looks like green snot, much prefer blacks, reds and blues.
  • Avalon - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    This board sounds fantastic!
  • Hacp - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Competative with similar Nforce4 boards(DFI LP) isn't enough. They need to beat the price by 5-10 dollars in order to regain the edge. I agree that the VTT options is awesome (for you BH-5 users), but in order to kill the current proven top Overclockers board, they need to be very competative with the DFI in terms of price.

    Also, I was wondering if they managed to fix the cold boot issue with these boards. If the cold boot issue is a non issue with these boards, and they are priced exactly the same as the DFI Lan Party boards, then it is a no brainer for BH-5/CH-5/UTT users as to which board to pick (unless they already are doing the 3.3 Rail Vdimm mod).

    Also, the 2nd page, He art in the first sentence needs to be fixed, and in the first page, it says AMD in the first paragraph when its supposed to say ATI.
  • afrost - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    I don't think so, a lot of people complain about problems with the DFI.....and it has a super loud fan on the chipset which is difficult to replace because the video card is right on top of it.

    I personally would never buy a DFI....different people obviously have different priorities

    If this board is rock solid stable like AT reported, then they will have a winner.
  • cryptonomicon - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    looks like a strong competitor, and here was a typo pg. 11
    "The Sapphire ATI chipset performs at least as fast as the best of nForcee4 chipset boards"
  • Mant - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    I think that was intentional. They're comparing the ATI to the "NForcee" by you can compare a Seiko watch to a BOLEX
  • RyanVM - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    In the first pic of the motherboard, it clearly has 8 SATA ports. However, the next page lists the specs with 6 SATA ports and the next picture seems to confirm that. Is there indeed an 8 SATA port version as well?
  • Wesley Fink - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    The pictures on page 4 were provided by Sapphire and are earlier prototypes. The actual production version we tested is pictured on page 5 and has 6 (not 8) SATA ports. We apologize for the confusion. There are indeed pads for 8 SATA ports on the production board, so there could be further developments.
  • ncage - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    What i like:
    Performance in general
    good audio quality (im wondering if it supports any of the eax extensions though which would be great if it did. Would elimante the need for a sound card.)

    What i don't like:
    bad USB2 performance. This would affect me big time. I have a pro consumer camera (8MP Olympus C-8080) and i usually transfer a bunch of images at a time from my camera to my computer so this is definitly a disapointment.

    I really like nvidia as a company. Their driver team has from the start been top notch. I think that is one of the things that led to their popularity. I generally have always gone with nvidia except in the 9800 pro days because you know why. I currently own a 6600gt which i love. Anyways the only thing that upset me that nvidia did was to take out soundstorm out of thier chipsets. I hope ATI bringing high end audio will force nvidia to reconsider. Nvidia knew that a lot of customers were asking for soundstorm back yet they still wouldn't put it back in. I just don't understand this.

    I hope thier are boards produced that don't have dual video card abilites because of price. I really don't want two video cards. I only occasional play games and im not going to spend 500-900 on two video cards. So we shall see how this plays out.
  • bob661 - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    The mobo manufacturers were griping about the price. Also, I believe the demand was too low. Yes I know lots of geeks liked it but we're a small percentage of the market.
  • BPB - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    "Today, we look more deeply at production version of the ATI Grouper that will be launched by Sapphire next week."
    So, when do we actually see these? If it's by end of Summer, great. If not, it may just be too late. I think most people who've waited for ATI to get this out have already gone to nVidia. I know my buddy has.

    Also, regarding Crossfire, can an AIW X800XT PCIe work with a plain old X800XT PICe?
  • afrost - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    One of the big things for me is that there is only passive cooling on the motherboard without the need for crazy heatpipes etc. This is really important for those of us who want to build silent computers.

    I'v definately picking up this board from Saphire.
  • Zebo - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Good point must run at lower temp than nvidia's single chipset solution which gets hot as hell when you start cranking HTT.
  • rjm55 - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    We mentioned several times in the article that Sapphire will launch the new board in early August. Sapphire has confirmed their plans to launch around August 5. Sapphire has asked us to pass on that you will be able to buy retail PI-A9RX480 motherboards in most markets by August 15th-20th. Price will be "competetive with nForce4".
  • Resh - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Any idea on when we will see them? I'd really like to go that route, but I can't wait forever!
  • Wesley Fink - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Halibut (Crossfire AMD) and Stingray (Crossfire Intel) boards are ready to go to reviewers, but there are still some decisions being made at ATI. We have also seen the prototype retail boards from Gigabyte and another manufacturer. When ATI decides whether Crossfire will be now or with R520 (just a guess at events) Crossfire will roll out quickly.
  • Resh - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Thansk Wesley. I wish they would hurry up with that decision... RAM is ordered and PSU, CPU, and X800XL will be ordered this w/e, too, so they better get the motherboards out!

    If you do hear something, please share it with the rest of us.

  • coomar - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    wow the white pcb stands out, at least the thing is packaged well
  • Dhaval00 - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    A week ago, AT was having fun posting such rumors... I am sure it thinks otherwise now :).

    /me feels like getting rid of all my nVIDIA hardware.
  • ukDave - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Typo on Pg8, second bottom paragraph. "ATI X350XT PE" - the '3' should be an '8' me thinks.
  • Tommouse - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Nice board. Still undecided on the white color though.

    I wonder if the Zalman CNPS7700-Cu will fit :|
  • somu - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    only thing that i would like to know is the pricing, since its on par performance wise with the other entusiast boards, the one thing that will seperate itself will be pricing.
  • L3p3rM355i4h - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    WTF, these aren't bartons! Props to ATi for including something that high. 4.0vdimm is good too.

    The white PCB is....interesting, to say the least. Just going to leave it at that. ;)

    If these are actually out in Mid-October/Nov. I'm def. going to get one.
  • L3p3rM355i4h - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    WTF, these aren't bartons! Props to ATi for including something that high. 4.0vdimm is good too.

    The white PCB is....interesting, to say the least. Just going to leave it at that. ;)

    If these are actually out in Mid-October/Nov. I'm def. going to get one.
  • erinlegault - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    I am impressed to say the least. IGP versions will be coming along with Crossfire versions. There are 4 different flavours coming and 8 if you count the addition of IGP. This may lead to a breakthrough into the OEM's. The true test will be how the intel chipset performs.

    Excellent job ATI!
  • Quiksel - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    That white mobo is supa hot. When I saw that pic, my jaw dropped. PRETTY MOBO.

    Too bad I'm an all-Mac shop now. I need a mobo like this in my G4. :-P
  • Chef Brian - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    I wanted to buy this mobo when I saw the awesome colours, but the featureset sealed the deal. If this board can overclock like it should, I will buy it without any further question. This has massive potential..
  • fitten - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Just think.... now if they just had a TypeR sticker on it somewhere... :rolleyes:
  • xsilver - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    is there any mention of the price? Competitive performance at a non competitive price still means little for ATI

    and also the limited availability (ala rs480) might also kill some of this products hopes

    hopefully though they will make a spash and give nvidia a kick in the pants to lower their prices :)
  • jab98 - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Nice to finally see a amd64 board with decent quality onboard audio, wonder if anyone will revise their nf4 boards to support the better codcec?
  • Zebo - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    I guess you missed the MSI with on-board SBlive?
  • RobFDB - Saturday, July 30, 2005 - link

    Guess you missed where i said "(with the exception of MSI)". Learn to read mate before you go posting.
  • RobFDB - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    ATI and Sapphire should be congratulated for bringing the AC880 to AMD users. We had it good with Soundstorm but since then onboard audio as gone back several steps (with the exception of MSI). Its good that AMD users are being given the option to have quality onboard audio.
  • bob661 - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    This what impresses me the most about these boards is this codec support. I still won't buy an ATI chipset until the third or fourth version comes out (you guys can test it for me) but impressive features and performance nonetheless.
  • jab98 - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

  • erwos - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    "[AMD] Enthusiast" is written with a capital E in the article, and it should not be, since it's not a proper noun. Please fix this error, because it looks grossly unprofessional to anyone with a reasonable command of the written word.
  • RobFDB - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Really though, get over it. It doesnt matter in the slightest if we're being honest here. Anyway back to more important matters.

    I'm really happy that ATI have managed to bring a top performing board aimed at enthusiasts to market. I was also extremely impressed to see Sapphire implement 4v for the RAM. One issue that i'd like to see investigated is wether the cold boot issue that affects DFI NF4 boards using OCZ VX mem @ high voltages affects the Sapphire board too. Aside from that this is a very impressive showing from ATI. One last thing. I have a x850XT PE and i'm not sure if that can be used as a slave card when ATI bring out the R520. If so that would make a very attractive upgrade.
  • rjm55 - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    The X850XT PE works fine as a slave with the X850 Master Card. In demos at Computex, ATI was showing an X850 Master with an X850XT PE slave.
  • Jojo7 - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    This isn't exactly true. Ati distributed a special driver that SIMULATED crossfire. The actual cards were really just 2 identical x850xtpe's. Though, one probably had an altered bios to simulate a master card.

    Read it for yourself:">
  • dlamblin - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    Did I miss the mention in the article? Is this an ATX or an mATX board. I'm guessing the former, but it wouldn't be out of place to list the fact along side the rest.
  • erwos - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    It's ATX. If it has more than four slots, it's too big to fit the mATX standard.
  • IRQ Conflict - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    I was just at ATI's site and they list this as the">PI-A8XRX480. Someone have thier wires crossfired? ;)
  • IRQ Conflict - Friday, July 29, 2005 - link

    WOOT! been waiting a long time for this board! dissapoints me that there doesn't appear to be a version with the x300 IGP though.

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